UNESCO, MKU and UoN flag off 9 students to hike Mt. Kenya

A team of nine students jointly from Mount Kenya University and University of Nairobi have today (14th July 2022) left to scale Mt. Kenya in promotion of good health and wellbeing of young people an initiative by UNESCO through O3 Plus project. The students who have been join by Staff from the three partners were flagged off yesterday at a ceremony conducted at Taifa Hall, University of Nairobi.

The group was flagged off by Prof JAGANYI and Prof. Kiama, MKU and UoN Vice Chancellors respectively,  Dr. Medhin Tsehaiu, Kenya UNAIDS Country Director, Festus Jera, Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage and Hugue Charnie, UNESCO.

The O3 plus Campaign aims at promoting the health and well-being of University students and youth in general. In particular, the campaign addresses mental health, reproductive health, Gender based violence. It also promote sport as a factor to good physical health.

Beginner to Mount Kenya in 90days, started on 26th of April and the first hike on Mount Kilimambogo on 30th of April. It was then followed by the hikes of Kijabe hills, Mount Longonot, Elephant Hills, The Mackinders and Mount Satima. The climax would be a four day hike to Mt. Kenya, Lenana peak.

The 90days preparation, has helped both the students and staff to endure, harsh weather and build their resilience. At the end of the campaign the students would be able to conquer the Mountains of their own lives.