Driven by the urge to harness the power of University students to combat the environmental crisis, Mount Kenya University environmental club members led by their patron Afubwa Musumi joined hands with other stakeholders to mark the world environmental day at Mang’u High School where they planted different variety of trees from ornamental to medicinal trees.

The event that was marked on 5th June 2023 celebrates the World Environment Day, the largest international day dedicated to the environment. This year the focus is on finding solutions to the critical issue of plastic pollution. Under the campaign hashtag #BeatPlasticPollution.

The World Environment Day 2023 has put emphasis on the importance of individual actions in combating this global challenge. On this World Environment Day, University students have a role in realizing this goal. As young and passionate individuals, students have the power to make a real difference in the world through actions and by sensitizing the community.

Mount Kenya University (MKU) environmental club students marks the world environmental day at Mangu high school
Mount Kenya University (MKU) environmental club students holding the clubs banner during their tree planting activity at Mang’u high school

Here are some specific and imaginative ways that you, as a university student, can contribute individually and collectively to combat the crisis:

  • Green Campus Initiatives: Organizing tree-planting drives, setting up rooftop gardens, creating recycling stations on campus. Encouraging sustainable practices like using reusable water bottles.
  • Innovation and Technology: Channeling your innovative spirit to develop eco-friendly solutions. From designing sustainable packaging to creating apps that promote sustainable living, your technological skills can make a positive impact.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Utilize your creative talents to raise awareness about environmental issues through art, music, and social media. Organize workshops, film screenings, and interactive events to engage the campus community.
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Start a sustainable business or support local eco-friendly enterprises. Encourage entrepreneurship that prioritizes environmental sustainability.
  • Advocacy and Policy: Join or create student-led environmental organizations that lobby for change and push for environmentally friendly policies on campus and in the community.
Mount Kenya University (MKU) environmental club students marks the world environmental day at Mangu high school
Mount Kenya University (MKU) environmental club students poses for a photo outside Mang’u High School administration block during the “world environmental day”

It’s imperative to note that, the power to combat the crisis lies within each one of us. On this day, and every other day, let us come together as university students, armed with creativity and determination, to make a significant impact on this World Environment Day 2023. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future for our planet

The university has a botanical garden which is an initiative of the school of pharmacy at MKU Graduation Pavillions ground, where we have previously planted trees. The positive effects of this gardens have started been realized by the cool breeze that we are current enjoying as compared to before, its also evident that river Chania, that flows at the foot of the botanical garden now has aquatic life and the garden itself is now home to many animals.