UniRank ranks Mount Kenya University at position seven ahead of Moi, Technical University of Kenya (TUK) and Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). At least 63 varsities have been ranked with only three privately-run making it to the top 10.

The institutions are ranked after meeting a certain selection criteria which include being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Kenyan higher education-related organizations. Other requirements include offering at least three-year bachelors’ degrees or postgraduate masters’ or doctoral degrees and delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, non-distance education format.

UniRank aims to provide a non-academic league table of the top Kenyan Universities based on valid, unbiased and non-influence able web metrics,” it states.

It draws this from independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the universities themselves.

Students can study in Kenya or from anywhere in the world through digital learning. The University is also very popular for educating teachers using the blended online and face to face teaching mode known as Distance, Institutional Based and e-Learning (DIBel).

Mount Kenya University has been at the front like in teaching health sciences courses such as Medicine, Pharmacy , Nursing , clinical medicine and dental studies through affordable cost of studies.

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