Celebrating African Child Abled Differently

Mount Kenya University joined hands in celebrating The Day of the African Child by visiting Thika Primary school for the visually impaired on 17th June, 2023. Thika Primary school for the visually impaired is home of 352 students who are abled differently.

This year theme was “The Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment”.

Students had an opportunity to interact and participate in different events like cooking and entertainment. Mr. John Ndicu, a visually impaired student at MKU who is also talented DJ graced the event and showcase his talent.

The event was graced by Mount Kenya University Special Needs Association (MKUSNA) led by Dr. Serah Kimaru, Dean School of social Sciences and MKU Coordinator Persons with Disability amongst other volunteers.

Dr. Serah Kimaru presented donations inform of food stuff, toiletries, thirty reams of Braille papers amongst others to the school.

Mr. John Ezekiel Musau, the senior teacher expressed his overwhelming joy as he was receiving the papers. He alluded that the school was in dire need of the braille papers which is the main writing material for students with visual impairment.

The Blind Mix Master Group led by Mr. John Ndicu, a DJ and a student undertaking psychology course gifted the girl child ten boxes of sanitary pads.

“Embracing digital technology would enhance the capabilities and performance of the students and place them on a better competitive edge in an inclusive society” Micah Lokoropee, a student at MKU said.

He urged students to exploit their potential so that they will not only survive but thrive and succeed in life.

Ms. Nice Watetu Macharia, alumnus and school captain of Thika primary school for visually impaired, she is currently a fourth-year student pursuing Bachelors of Special Needs and aspiring to become a lecturer urged the students to work hard in their studies which will ultimately empower them and overcome the begging attitude “omba omba” notion as how the society regard visually impaired persons.

Dr. Serah Kimaru, Dean School of Social Sciences joined by other MKU staff during tree planting to mark The Day of African Child
Dr. Serah Kimaru, Dean School of Social Sciences joined by other MKU staff during tree planting to mark The Day of African Child.

MKU has invested in necessary infrastructure and policies to support the differently abled persons and accord them equal opportunities. Our prayer is that the society may give full support to persons enabled differently to overcome the limitations of their condition and lead a full life as possible.

The day was culminated by a cake cutting event that followed by entertainment session.

Article by:

Dr. Serah Kimaru, Dean School of Social Sciences & Coordinator Students Enabled Differently, MKU