Mount Kenya University in a collaborative project with Partners for Care, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Nairobi is impacting pupils from 65 primary and special schools based in Laikipia County, Marmanet Ward, in a safe water initiative funded by The Talloires Network of Engaged Universities,  USA through a joint engagement grant. The project whose brainchild is Dr. Peter G. Kirira, Principal, College of Graduate Studies & Research, is in line with the University’s community outreach and Civic Engagement mandate. It follows a similar exercise that was successfully implemented in Marsabit County.

According to UNICEF, approximately 80% of hospital attendance in Kenya is due to preventable diseases and 50% of these illnesses are water, sanitation and hygiene related. Most pupil’s miss attending school due to illnesses related to unclean water and poor hygiene such as diarrhea and stomach upset which can be prevented through consumption of clean water and proper hand washing.

Through the initiative the two partners have donated 2000 three ply masks, 1000 recyclable water bag packs and waterguard to disinfect the water.  The bag packs will be used one in every class room and will serve at least 30 pupils. The pupils and their teachers have undergone through training on how to use the bag packs and to properly disinfect the water.

Hon. Simon Kanyutu Kimani, MCA Marmanet Ward appreciated the donation and cited that it will go a long way in teaching the children about consumption of safe water. He also said that the schools will be able to enhance hand washing and wearing the masks to fight Covid 19 infections.

The donated water backpacks provides users with a safe and easy way to carry water. The packs hold 20 liters of water and are housed in a safe outer shell with a durable inner lining. The design of the pack and solar sanitization cleaning technology ensures water cannot become contaminated. Mount Kenya University has previously donated masks and sanitizers to Meru County.

MKU and Partners for care have previously worked together on jigger’s eradication project at Kilifi & Marsabit counties and donation of mobility carts which were distributed to persons abled differently.